Georgia 9-1-1 Directors Assoc.

March 9, 2020



Board Members in attendance: Barry Woodward, Debbie Vance, Deb Wimpy by phone,

Jason Lawson, Deidra Moore, Ricky Harlowe, Amanda Proctor, Tricia Orr by phone,

Melissa Alterio by phone.

Total in attendance: 32

Meeting opened: Called to order by President Barry Woodward

Approval of January30, 2020 minutes from conference call meeting. Motion to approve by Ricky Harlowe, seconded by Debbie Vance. All in favor, none opposed, motion carried.

Treasurer Report given by Deb Wimpy.

Three checks totaling $150.00 to deposit.

Bank Balance = $6,795.80 + $150.00 deposit forthcoming = $6,945.80 Adj. Bal. Old Business Discussed – directed by President Woodward:

911 Director Association online voting.

911 Director Association working on website and Pay Pal option should be coming soon to the website to allow for paying membership online. Invoices are updated.

Tricia and Debbie are working together on the by-laws for the association.

The 911 Director Association is working to ensure transparency in all we do.

The 911 Director Association will be working to provide training links on the website.

New Business Discussed – directed by President Woodward:

Discussed the possibility of bringing back the 911 Hero Awards for the kids that do exceptional with 911 calls; we may bring this back to the Fall Conference.

Open Discussion:

President Barry Woodward covered:

o How the 911 Director Association was formed of members of APCO and NENA and how it would be integral to the GECA State Board.

o 911 Director Association is working on by-laws.

o Mr. Nix is working on the 911 Day at the Capitol, nothing further to report on that.

o Nothing new on legislative updates.

o 911 Director Association will be doing voting by website.

Michael Terrell with Coweta County advised he would like to see a state retirement for 911 such as POAB.

Ricky advised everyone to remember 911 Communications Week and Melissa reminded everyone that we could share what you are doing online.

Michael Nix reminded everyone to come to the GECA meeting the following day.

No further business; meeting adjourned. Motion by Deidra Moore; seconded by Debbie Vance. All in favor, none opposed. Motion carried.

GA 911 Directors Association  |  PO Box 914 Dawsonville, GA 30534