Georgia 9-1-1 Directors Association Minutes

August 20, 2019 @

1400 Conference Call with Board Members


In attendance: Barry Woodward, Debbie Vance, Jason Lawson, Ricky Harlowe, Melissa Alterio, Deidra Moore, Tricia Orr, Debbie Wimpy, Greg Whitaker

Meeting opened: 1400 by President Barry Woodward President Woodward conducted roll call. Quorum present.
Minutes of April meeting have not been posted yet. Deidra will get those to Debbie for posting on the website along with these minutes so that they can be voted on at the September 4, 2019 meeting in Brasstown.

The Board discussed Gail Lane’s retirement from Hall County and the NEVP Area Representative needs to be reappointed. Deidra will provide Barry and Debbie with some suggestions by the September 4 meeting so that someone can be appointed.

Life memberships were discussed. Board agreed that Mike Smith, Brian Burgamy, Trudy McDevitt, Carolynn Hunter, Barry Woodward and Greg Whitaker should be considered for life memberships. The group also agrees with Barry’s suggestion that a plaque be presented to these recipients during the December meeting as it will provide a good venue to recognize them and obtain photo opportunities.

The Board discussed September 4, 2019 meeting in Brasstown. Debbie advised that we were providing the lunch that day. Debbie advised that those board members that were only coming for the meeting would be able to eat. The lunch will be from 1130 until 1300 and the 911 Director Association meeting will begin at 1300 and last until 1400. Barry confirmed that there will be a quorum present for the meeting. Expected discussion at this meeting will involve Bylaws, Elections, Life Memberships, the 911 Director Association in GECA and Membership.

Old Business:
• Barry advised that he spoke with Pat Giordano at the APCO conference and she is doing well and has taken a position in DC with the Transportation Authority 911 based out of Regan International.
• Membership was discussed, Debbie Wimpy forwarded the invoice to Debbie Vance to be uploaded to the website. Debbie Wimpy and Debbie Vance will work together at the meeting in September to get a Pay Pal account so that organizations can pay by credit card.
• APCO phone contacts and info for the 911 Director Association is still incorrect. Debbie Vance advised that Lynn said they would be working to correct this.
• Greg Whitaker, Past President, gave a brief history about changing the bylaws due to election concerns along with the GECA coming into formation. He also briefed the group on legislation throughout his terms and how things unfolded.
He also said that he believed William Wright was right in asking for the bylaws to be changed as it was time for them to be updated and he mentioned that William would be a choice that the board may want to consider for the NEVP position because he is very good with facts and is very good with by-laws. He went on to say this association took on the legislative side as it was needed during his term and now GECA is going to be vital to continue this work to ensure nothing bad gets through. He also said that this will allow this association to focus on other things as well. He briefly discussed how quickly Pat left and how he came to the decision to appoint someone that had a lot of history with each organization and lived close to Atlanta so that they can get to the Capital if needed. He acknowledged that he probably should have spoken to the entire board but he was working to quickly get someone in the President’s position and Barry was a good fit. He reiterated that the 911 Director Association needs to be as important as it always has been. He pointed out that he is here if Barry needs him or if anyone needs him. He was thanked for all he has done for the association and 911.
• Barry reminded all how this board was created with a combination of APCO and NENA so that the face of 911 would be recognized more easily as many did not know what APCO or NENA was where 911 was concerned. He believes we are moving in the right direction.
• Debbie Vance still needs a photo from Ricky Harlowe and Debbie Wimpy for the website.

New Business:
• A suggestion was made that the group do a Facebook page. Debbie Vance made a motion that we proceed with this idea with Tricia Orr and Melissa Alterio spearheading the endeavor. Deidra seconded the motion. All in favor, motion passed. Tricia and Melissa will get started on this and let Barry know when it is ready to be reviewed.
Conference call adjourned by Barry at 1459.

Respectfully submitted
Deidra Moore, Secretary

GA 911 Directors Association  |  PO Box 914 Dawsonville, GA 30534